
Below you will find more information about MijnGezondheid.net and what you can arrange yourself via this portal.


E-Consult is not intended for urgent matters, life-threatening situations or requesting of (repeat)medication.

With E-consult you can ask your GP your medical questions online. This video shows you how it works. E-consult requires you to create an account once. When you press the E-consult button (at the bottom of this page), you will be redirected to the site www.mijngezondheid.net, where you can create an account with Digid. You will then be able to ask your GP your questions online. You will receive a message when your question has been answered. If that does not work, please call the doctor’s receptionist and we will make sure you are given access to www.mijngezondheid.net.

Once you have an account on www.mijngezondheid.net, you can make it even more convenient by installing the Medgemak app on your phone. You can then arrange and view many matters related to your health on your phone.

  • Questions are sent via a secure connection
  • Ask questions to the practice, even outside opening hours
  • Online access to the answers of your doctor or assistant

Need help registering on www.mijngezondheid.net or installing the MedGemak app? Please click here.


Request repeat prescriptions

After you have logged in to MijnGezondheid.net you will see the button “Mijn medicijnen” on the right-hand side. Here you can choose from:

  • Ordering medicine
  • Medication overview
  • Print overview

Under “Medicijnen bestellen” you can see which medication you can request online. After requesting new medication, you will be notified about when it is available for pickup at the pharmacy.

Viewing your medical files

Accessing your medical files online is possible using MijnGezondheid.net. You can access the following information:

  • Laboratory results (overview of measurements shared with you by your healthcare provider)
  • Physical examination (the diagnostic values: blood pressure, height and weight)
  • Access log (overview of who has access to your medical file)
  • Reporting (for each subject the preliminary conclusion and agreements made (E&P rules))
  • Hypersensitivities and particularities
  • My documents (incoming and outgoing correspondence, e.g. referral letters)
  • Current medication overview


Looking for specific information regarding health and diseases?

For medical information we would like to refer you to the website Thuisarts.nl.
Thuisarts.nl offers reliable and independent information regarding health and diseases.

Type your your question in the search bar below.

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